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Sick and Tired? Feeling Better Is Within Reach

Your One Precious Life takes a whole-body approach to helping clients achieve their unique health and nutrition goals. My coaching sessions are designed to enhance overall well-being by improving energy levels, gut health, sleep patterns, nervous system health, and focus. I guarantee a healthier, more joyful life is within your reach!

Thought-Provoking and Supportive Coaching Sessions

Your One Precious Life is dedicated to empowering clients and communities to take control of their nutrition and health through the transformative wisdom and partnership of a skilled certified holistic coach.

The Journey Towards Health Begins on the Path of Self Love. Begin Your Journey Today.

- Marc P.

"Mary has broad expertise in nutrition and its connection to cellular health and this, combined with a deep well of compassion and an ability to understand the challenges individual clients face, makes her an ideal coach."

- Melissa M.

"Mary has been so important to me. Her presence, warmth, intelligence, and kindness came at such a crucial moment in my life. I will always be grateful."

- E. Johnson

"I have known Mary for over 20 years. Her commitment and insight when working with others is unparalleled. Her interactions are firmly grounded in integrity and love. She tackles every challenge with intelligence and creativity, leaving no stone unturned in her quest for solutions."

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Your One Precious Life is a whole-body approach to meeting the unique nutrition and health goals of clients. Take control of your life today and schedule a free health consultation.

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